Auction Information
Combined Estates Auction
Krile Auction Service
Combined Estates Auction
Saturday, January 18 @ 10 AM
Krile Auction Center
Full Details coming later
Terms: Cash or Check Only No Online Bidding
Antique & Modern Furniture
Sells at 12 Noon: 4 pc blonde bedroom suite, lamps, antique oak
wardrobe, book cases, corner book case, iron bed, card table & chairs,
couch, end tables, vintage pics, antique oak hutch, Tell City table & 4
chairs, primitive side stand, nice small chest freezer, 2 sets of double wash
tubs, L&G tools, 3 bicycles, milk & cream cans, antique bed, metal
patio table, Craftsman 4 tool box, bench grinder on stand, log roller, cast
iron bell
Antiques Collectibles Household Misc.
4 totes of yarn, Chenille bedspread, antique binoculars, board games, bedding, 3 copper boilers, jewelry boxes & jewelry, handmade quilts, wooden shoes, telephone, glassware, music books, goat bell, collectible pitchers, braided elegance cord, 1876 IL atlas, 4 sugar buckets, splatterware pitcher, salt dips, Pfaltzgraff set, Fenton, kitchenware, Corning, 2 40 qt butter churns (1 Dazey), crock bowls, gray enamel pitcher, antique kitchenware, #2 UHL crock, nuts/bolts, iron tractor seat, 2 metal gas stoves
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