Auction Information


Sat Dec 21 - 08:00AM

1141 Wea Wit Street, East Earl, PA Click to Map


Auctioneer ID#: 12084

Phone: 717-687-7018

License: AY00228

Saturday December 21, 2024 @ 8:00 am  

Location: 1141 Wea Wit Street East Earl PA 17519  

Auction will begin at 8:00am with un-catalogued smalls. Catalogued Items start at 9:00am  


Auctioneer note: Visit for updated details, catalog, photos, and online bidding. Terms by PA Auction Center license AY002284. We are an FFL so all firearms are sold according to Federal and State Laws and Regulations. Auction day announcements take precedence over all advertisements. 

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