Auction Information

New Years day guns, gold Silver Advertising

Wed Jan 01 - 10:00AM

1876 Red Brush rd, Mount airy, Nc Click to Map

Red Brush Auction

Auctioneer ID#: 52115

Phone: 3364869822

License: 10530

NEW YEARS DAY AUCTION at Red Brush Auction 
Wednesday January 1st 10AM
1876 Red Brush rd Mount Airy Nc 27030

Elaine Shaw NCAL  10301 NCAFL 9834

Mike Hutchens NCAL 6922

Robert Everetts NCAL 10530 



Century arms





Texaco clock thermometer 

 Firestone metal sign

Orange crush sign

Pilot knob 

Mount airy collectibles

Whiskey collectibles

Surry county dug civil war cannon ball 

Tobacco collectibles 

 Silver coins

Gold jewelry 



Uranium glass

Cast iron pot with stand

 Some much more, this is just a start keep checking back. 



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