Auction Information
Online: Single Family Home, Corpus Christi, TX
CWS Marketing Group- US Treasury Department
US Treasury Dept. Nov & Dec Real Estate Auctions
505 Newport Dr. West, Mobile AL - 4BR/2BA SFH - 11/7
8551 W. 33rd Ave., Hialeah FL - 3BR/2.1BA SFH - 11/8
3875 E. Lake Rd., Sheffield Lake OH Lakefront SFH - 3 BR/2.1BA - 11/15
2434 SW 157th Ave. Miramar, FL - 4BR/3BA SFH - 12/12
4933 Valley Stream, Corpus Christi TX - 3BR/2BA SFH - 12/13
Clear Title, No Buyer's Premiums Charged
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