Auction Information

Antiques, Collectibles, HH Goods and More!

Tue Jan 21 - 10:00AM

Andreas Station House, 42 Andreas Road, Andreas, PA Click to Map


Auctioneer ID#: 21038

Phone: 570-386-3389

License: AY002077-L

Public Auction


Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.


Andreas Station House

42 Andreas Road

Andreas, PA  18211


Due to weather forecast for Sunday, January 19, 2025, the auction was rescheduled to Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025.  


Indian motorcycle, antiques, crocks and jugs, advertising items including cans, tins, bank bags, calendars, thermometers and more, CocaCola items, military items, clocks, vintage greeting cards, cast iron fry pans, blow molds, vintage Christmas decorations, refrigerator dishes, glassware, milk bottles, cast iron items, cameras, lamps, comic books, toys, Tyco Electric Trucking Interstate Delivery Set, jewelry, animal traps, deer mounts, bear rug, painted saws, lawn ornaments, collectibles, furniture, household goods and much more!



Terms:  Cash, Credit Card or PA Resident Check

*Sorry, No Out of State Checks Accepted*



6% Pennsylvania Sales Tax Applies

Attention Tax Exempt Customers:  Please Bring A Current Copy of Your Tax Exemption Certificate!


No Buyer's Premium!



Tamala's Treats will be open serving hot, delicious food items!


Dean R. Arner Auctioneer, LLC

570-386-3389   AY-002077L 

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