Auction Information

Antiques & Collectible Auction

Wed Apr 02 - 05:00PM

511 South Schmale Rd, Carol Stream, IL Click to Map

Auctions By Jennifer

Auctioneer ID#: 5502

Phone: 630-400-4391

License: 441000484




  Click Here for our Auction Schedule

We hold a regular weekly auction typically consisting of a wide variety of highly desirable items from: Antiques, Collectibles, Art, Coins, Gold, Silver/Sterling & Costume Jewelry, Household Items, New & Vintage Toys, Paper Ephemera, Furniture, Rugs, Musical Instruments, Knives, Electronics, Trading cards, Baseball Cards, Sports Memorabilia, Linens, Military Memorabilia,  Breweriana,  Watches, Lamps, Cameras and many other highly sought and unique items which vary each auction.

We are located at Schmale Rd & Geneva Rd behind Carols Garden restaurant. Click on our web site link for a map.

Visit our web site to view all our upcoming Wednesday Auctions, Super Sunday Auctions and Specialty Auctions, also for all Buyer & Seller information.

We are an old fashioned live auction house, we do not offer internet bidding. We do accept absentees in person or by email only after registering with Jennifer at 630-400-4391. Please feel free to call, we are available any time 7 days a week. 

We hold a regular weekly auction Every Wednsday typically consisting of a wide variety of highly desirable items from: antiques, collectibles, art, coins, jewelry, household, toys, paper ephemera, furniture and many other highly sought and unique items which vary each auction. Our typical auction hosts between 600-800 lots.

All Items are sold as is and where is without any warranties or guarantees unless otherwise stated. Any announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material. 18% buyers premium in effect. 3% Discount applies if payment is by cash or Good Check. Any items being sold with a reserve are disclosed when asked, we are always happy to disclose reserve amounts.  

NOTE: The information contained in this brochure/listing is subject to inspection and verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, errors, or omissions is assumed by the seller, the representative of the seller, Auctions by Jennifer or their agents.

Auction Listings provided by Although the information published herein is from sources deemed reliable, expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for this auction. Potential buyers are urged to verify auction date, time, and content directly through the auctioneer's website or by contacting the auctioneer directly. The terms and conditions of the auction may or may not be published in this listing. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE THE DAY OF THE AUCTION ARE BINDING AND TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY INFORMATION FOUND HEREIN.