Auction Information


Tue Sep 10 - 01:30PM

1011 Ritner Highway, Shippensburg, PA Click to Map

Dan Hershey Auctioneering Service LLC

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Auctioneer ID#: 5820

Phone: 717-385-5438

License: AU003968L

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ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES: Totes, China, Glassware, Pictures, Fountain, Kettle stir, Milk crate, Cage, Mixing bowls, Cast iron banks, Crocks, Aluminum ware, Ladels, Dog tags, Old hickory knife, Mini skillets, Nut crackers, Steam engine buttons, Cups/saucers, Jewelry, Military, Nest of Pyrex bowls, Surround sound system


TOOLS: Hardware, Shaper blades, Electric tools, Scaffold wheels, Router & bits, Small anvil, Blacksmith vice, Hand tools, Stack tool box, Ax handles, Deer carrier, RR jack, Old dolly, Push mower, Tires, Motors, Stihl blower, Drills, Pulleys, Files, Jointer/planer, Lots of fishing, Game calls, Bows, Archery, Hunting books, Gun cases, Yard tools, Work bench, Deer heads, Snow blower, Shop vac, Spreader, Saw horses, Tree stands, Grill, Stihl weed eater, Hunting clothes, Ladder, Torpedo heater, Fishing rods (Bass pro shop XPS IM8 graphite extreme performance series performance graphite, Northwest outfitters clearwater spinning DSS661MH, Shakespeare ugly stik, Bass pro shop power wall construction, Johnney Morris signature series 85 million modulus XPS, Bass pro shop extreme HM54 graphite ETX70MHT


FURNITURE: White table & chairs, Maple hutch, Sofa, Stand, Bookcase, Lamps, Pine desk, Hassock, Small freezer, Patio furniture, White dresser & mirror, Wicker chairs, Oak stand & cabinet, Blanket chest, Oak BR set (bed, dresser, high chest), Double box spring & mattress, Rocker, Tea cart, File cabinet, Metal cabinet, End stands


Check web & ID 5820 for full ad & photos

Terms: Cash/approved check/credit cards **Now booking all types of auctions**

AY2014 AU3968L AA2786L Steve Ege 717-385-5438 Chris Bream 717-226-1920 717-532-4647


Directions: I-81, Exit 29, PA-174 West, Right on Conestoga Dr., Right at red light, Auction

immediately on left @1011 Ritner Highway Shippensburg PA 17257

Tuesday September 10, 2024 Beginning @1:30PM


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