Due to road construction on US 68 between Wilmington and I-71. Follow US 68 to Orchard Rd. Turn right to SR 134 turn left follow to Hoskins Rd. Turn left follow to US 68 turn right to Mt Pleasant Rd.
Located approx. 1 mi. NE of 71/68 intersection at 89 W. Mt. Pleasant Rd. Wilmington, Ohio 45177.
Follow signs off 68.
SAT., AUG 1O, 2024 @ 9:30 AM, TRUCK APPROX. NOON
GENERATOR & MISC.: 2008 Dodge Ram 1500, 6 spd. manual 54,945 mi. single cab
short bed; 2007 Forrest River 8 enclosed box trailer; 14 box truck bed converted to bumper hitch trailer tires removed; Farmall Cub needs repair; County Line 3 pt 4 tiller; 3 pt. 5 blade; boom pole; Smarter Tools 9500 watt generator; Troy Built 42 riding mower; Murray riding mower and attachments; Lawn roller; Wheel barrows;
self-propelled lawn mowers; Yard machine tiller; Sm. Tiller; Yard cart; Edgers; Misc lumber; Plywood; Deer stand; Woven wire fence; Fence anchors; Tobacco
sticks; Tomato cages; Scrap metal; Used hog welded wire panels; Used concrete blocks; Lawn sweep; Reel type mower; Garden tools; SHOP/FARM ITEMS:
Chain saws; Band saw; Planer; Table saw; Drill press; Scroll saw; Miter saw; Router & bits; Air compressor; Tool boxes; Hand tools; Belt sander; Clamps; Concrete
tools; Nuts, bolts, washers; Hand sanders; Wood working tools; Shop vac; Hunting equipment; Lg amount RR screws jacks; Platform scales; Fence stretchers; Concrete mixer; Homemade sheep/ goat head chute; COLLECTIBLES/PRIMITIVES: Lg 250+ pcs collection brown, blue, green Jewel Tea Hall pottery; Miniature Hall pitchers; Lg selection blue, white, green and pink Fire King; Pyrex bowls; Green depression glass; Tiara glassware; Hens on nests; Misc Glassware; Cash drawer display rack; Milk
bottles 50+ Bordens Linton & Linton, Wilmington, Independent, Golden Star dairy cream top, Ohio Dairy Company, Alborns, Cincinnati, various other brands; Cottage
cheese jars; Sunny Hurst Hoppys favorite milk cream top bottle; Cast iron nut cracker; Lots primitive collectibles; Huge amount primitive block planes, pulleys, carpenters tools, wrenches, scales, draw knives; 3 qt churn; license plates; stone
crocks; primitive kitchen items; fishing lures; Wood handled ice picks; Corn shelters; Thermometers; Refrigerator glass water bottles; Salesman sample egg crate & others; Mike Sells potato chip can; Old maps; Ice tongs; Sickle scythes; Bee smokers; Meat saws; Oil cans: Gulf, International, Pennzoil, Texaco and misc. tins; Nail keg; Spanglers candy crates; Tire ashtrays; Jumbo jars; Old wooden boxes; Camel tobacco tin & others; Stone jugs, crocks; 4 gallon stone jar; Wooden barrel churn; Post drill;
Buck saw; Wall Laundry drying rack; Lanterns RR & others; Old globe; Johnson and Johnson milk filters display cabinet; Feed and seed sacks; Royal Crown framed sign; Cigar boxes; Berry baskets; Granite ware; Baskets; Primitive fencing tools; Old Stanley thermos; Insulators all sizes and colors; Atlas jar; Sm. coffee grinder; Framed Annie Oakley map; Framed Batman game board; Metal bread boxes; Sm. pinball game; Cast iron IH International trivet; Fishing lures and reels; Cast iron balance scales; Old Kitchen utensils; Primitive barbers cabinet; Seyferts butter pretzels store jar; Cast iron trains; Wooden barrel churn on stand missing guts; Tinker toys and other games; Kerosene lamps; Aunt Jemima S&Ps; Old linens; Maxwell House coffee tin; Aunt Jemima syrup bottles; Lg wood vise; Rug beaters; P&G basket; Lard press;
Old fans; Flat & sad irons; Old toys; Vintage games and game boards; Antique water sprinklers; Cross cut saws; Ammo boxes; Childs red wagon; Primitive carpenters box and tools; Old sleds; Wash boards; Milk cans; Coke and Pepsi crates; Chicken coop;
Old feed bin; Primitive Feed carts; Horse Hanes and collars; Old porcelain sink; Metal chair and others; Garden plow; Galvanized wash tubs; Wooden ironing boards; Lg assorted box lots; Cast iron tub; Porcelain farmhouse sink; Blue canning jars w/ zinc lids; Coca Cola / RC Cola / Mountain Dew / Pepsi / Squirt / Tru Ade pop bottles; Old kitchen scales; Wooden pulleys; Vintage oil cans; Cow bells; Miniature cast iron stoves; Wicker baby carriage; Children's books; Vintage old maid cards; Dominos; Lg
collection history books civil war, WWI, WWII, Navy, Nazi, Set of early reader books Last of the Mohicans, Charles Dickens, Tom Sawyer & others; Record albums; FURNITURE/HOUSEHOLD: Primitive white pie safe w/ 12 tins; Small kitchen 2 door
1 drawer cabinet; Sq Maytag wringer washer; 2 door wooden cabinet; Square dining table; Porcelain top table; Sm. drop leaf gate stand; Sq stand; Wash stand; Trunks; Treadle sewing machine; Misc sm. household items and appliances; Gas ranges; Croquet set; Craft and sewing items; Wooden hall tree; Floor lamps;, Metal cabinet; Misc decorations; Antique quilting frame; Craft & sewing supplies; 2 window air conditioners; 3 deep freezers; Smoker grill; Gas grill; AUCTIONEERS NOTE: In one word HUGE! That explains this one. Truly one of the good old timer auctions here. Judy and her late husband spent many years going to auctions and collecting. This one has a large variety of items. Plan to be in Clinton Co. the whole day. TERMS: Cash or check w/ proper ID. Credit card with convenience fee. Any announcements made by auctioneer on day of sale will take precedence over this ad.
OWNER: Wolfe Family Trust, Judy Wolfe & Karen Miller co trustees