Rollin Alford

Rollin Alford

AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 54553  

Rollin Alford
608 Walnut Street
Crossett, AR 71635

Phone: 318-372-2638

I specialize in Fundraising and Benefit Auctions. My passion is helping communities and organizations to achieve their fundraising goals.
I have helped many national organizations such as the NWTF and the Friends of the NRA, as well as many local communities, churches, schools and hospitals.
As both a contract auctioneer and on an individual basis, I have conducted estate sales, business liquidations and government surplus auctions. I have been a licensed auctioneer since 2012 when I graduated from the Texas Auction Academy (now America's Auction Academy). Prior to that, I managed equine auctions and sales in Louisiana and Arkansas for over ten years. I have over 20 years experience in advertising and marketing. I graduated Northeast Louisiana University in 1999 with degrees in Marketing and Agribusiness.
I am licensed in Louisiana and Arkansas.
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